[xmlsec] Translation <keyKlass>-<keySize> to algorithm method

Roland Hedberg roland.hedberg at adm.umu.se
Tue Jul 5 23:43:49 PDT 2011


If you want to encrypt a XML document using xmlsec1 you can define the type of session key you want to use using:

--session-key <keyKlass>-<keySize>

Now this has to map against what is defined in the template XML document where you have something like this:

<EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#tripledes-cbc"/>

Is there somewhere a table where you can find the translation from keyKlass>-<keySize> to Algorithm ?


keyKlass>-<keySize>	Algorith
des-192			tripledes-cbc

and so on.

-- Roland

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