[xmlsec] command line and sign/verify example

Lau andy andylau2064 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 31 02:30:59 PST 2005

I am sorry I have wrongly mailed to your personal email account and caused inconvient to you.
Dear Aleksey,
I really appreciated your prompt reply. TQVM :-))
Yeap, you were right, the <MD5Hash> should not appear there. i will check with the Form Counter again.
I have few more questions:
1. Why we need to have a pair a file ( the signed xml and the pem file ) for verification (verify2 ) since the signed xml already contain the information for the X509 certificate ? 
2. Do you have any idea why this function returns failed for the p12 file during verification.
if(xmlSecCryptoAppKeysMngrCertLoad(mngr, files[i], xmlSecKeyDataFormatPkcs12, xmlSecKeyDataTypeTrusted) < 0)  
I just replace the data format to xmlSecKeyDataFormatPkcs12 from verify3.c.  I have provided the correct path for p12 file.
I using #define XMLSEC_CRYPTO_OPENSSL because I have problem to compile with #define XMLSEC_CRYPTO_MSCRYPTO
c:\xml\libxmlsec-1.2.8.win32\include\xmlsec\mscrypto\app.h(48) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'hKey'
c:\xml\libxmlsec-1.2.8.win32\include\xmlsec\mscrypto\app.h(48) : error C2081: 'HCRYPTKEY' : name in formal parameter list illegal
3. I have problem to sign a file using the xmlsec command line. I want to sign a file with p12. 
When I step in from Debug mode on xmlsec program, it returned failure on the statement:-
data->startNode = xmlSecFindNode(cur, xmlSecNodeSignature, defStartNodeNs);
under the function :-
xmlSecAppXmlDataCreate(const char* filename, const xmlChar* defStartNodeName, const xmlChar* defStartNodeNs) {

and produde the error :
Error: failed to find default node with name= "Signature" 

Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
Andy Lau

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