[xmlsec] Error: unable to get local issuer certificate

wz qiang weizhongqiang at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 05:33:53 PDT 2008

hi all,
I am doing some signature verification test with trusted certificates.
I used "xmlSecCryptoAppKeysMngrCertLoad(keys_mngr, ca_file,
xmlSecKeyDataFormatPem, xmlSecKeyDataTypeTrusted)" to load the ca
certificate into keymanager, there is <X509Data/> under

But when I verify the signature (xmlSecDSigCtxVerify), I get the
following error. The ca certificate is exactly the one which sign the
certificate under <X509Data/>.
And I also tried to use
xmlSecOpenSSLAppKeysMngrAddCertsFile(keys_mngr, cafile)  to load the
ca ceriticate, and got the same error.
Could somebody give some hint about sloving this problem?

library function
failed:subj=/C=NO/ST=Oslo/O=UiO/CN=test;err=20;msg=unable to get local
issuer certificate
verification failed:err=20;msg=unable to get local issuer certificate
library function failed:
is not found:
library function failed:
library function failed:
Signature verification failed for saml:assertion

Thanks in advance
Weizhong Qiang

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