[xmlsec] About xmlParseInNodeContext() in libxml2.

StackWD(hotmail) StackWD at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 16 00:29:49 PDT 2004

Yes, I found the different position of error occur according to different xml buffer when I debug into xmlFreeDoc() or xmlFreeNode(). For example, the xml buffer may contain attribute or not, having namespace or the different lens of content of the node. BTW, the whole XML document parses successfully at all before I encrypt. Are there any solve methods or whether I miss something?

>> I'm sorry to say although I have inserted those two lines as below, 
> > the error is so. But I have found an interesting things, if remove
> > the attribute xsi:type=\"xsd:int\" of buffer, that's OK!
>Interesting! It sounds like Libxml2 uses xsi:type to do something
>with the node content. Can you parse this file at all?

        StackWD at hotmail.com

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