[xmlsec] How to find the signing certificate?

Erwann Abalea erwann.abalea at certplus.com
Thu Apr 15 08:13:02 PDT 2004


I'm still gaining XP points by playing with xmlsec. ;)
I'm facing a new challenge. When I verify a signature and the
corresponding X509 certificate, I need to get the certificate used to
perform the signature. The goal is to add it to the keys manager, to later
encrypt data for this entity.
I found that by searching into signNode (defined here as:
signNode = xmlSecFindNode(xmlDocGetRootElement(doc), xmlSecNodeSignature, xmlSecDSigNs);
), I can find the "KeyInfo" node, then go below and search for the
"X509Data" node, then below and search for the "X509Certificate" node, and
get its content. Is that the only way to do it? Isn't there a readily
written function to perform the same task?

If not, it's OK, I just would like to know...


Erwann ABALEA <eabalea at certplus.com> - RSA PGP Key ID: 0x2D0EABD5
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