[xmlsec] X509Data sub-element detail ?

Aleksey Sanin aleksey at aleksey.com
Wed Aug 6 22:04:47 PDT 2003

>xmlsec sign --pkcs12 keys/EdSign.p12 --output inout/edsigned1.xml
>... This in the template works ...
>... This in the template does not ...
>	<X509SubjectName/>
>	<X509Certificate/>

The second template should work if you are using xmlsec-openssl 1.1.0 or 
from CVS trunk. If you have correct version and it does not work then 
it's probably a bug
somewhere. I would appreciate if you can file a bug report and provide 
as much details
as possible (xmlsec version + crypto, os, templates you are using, 
pkcs12 file if possible).

>Where is the additional X509 detail extracted from ? I tried adding: 
>--trusted-der keys/cacert.der
>... to the command line to no avail. 
This has nothing to do with it. "--trusted-*" options tells xmlsec which 
certs are trusted
when it verifies signature. XMLSec gets certificates from the key. In 
you case, from PKCS12 file.
BTW, do you have a cert in this file?

>I'd also like to include other X509 info like issuer, valid from, valid to,
>cert serial number, etc ...
This goes outside the scope of XMLDSig specification [1]. All this 
information is available
inside the cert itself and you can include full certificate using 
<X509Certificate/> node.


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/#sec-X509Data

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